Angel #1- The Little Girl Who Came into the Dentist
This is a great one to start with because it's a CHRISTMAS story! I love Christmas!!! So, when all the little chillin's come into the dentist I ask them what they want Santa to bring them. Last year, the general concensus was a game boy, and a variety of other random toys and games. But one little girl said the most interesting thing. When I asked her what she wanted for Christmas she said "whatever I get." Really? It was so refreshing! After weeks of hearing children talk about the hundreds of toys they wanted and didn't need, this nine year old professed that she didn't care what she got, she would be happy with whatever. I was so surprised by her remark, it made me think (I love when that happens!) It made me appreciate all the things I have and all the fantastic things I've been given...most importantly the gifts we receive from the Savior. Isn't that what Christmas is really about anyway? Thank you little niner. By being selfless, you taught me what Christmas is all about.
Thanks to my extraordinary family and all your love and support!! And, thanks to my great friends who stick by me even though we haven't seen much of anyone lately. Love you all!